old time romance


Luckily my man provided a wonderful Valentine's Day, because my basketball team most certainly did not. After work he took me out for a delicious dinner before we stopped off at a favorite bar to watch the Jayhawks in their No. 1 spot get their asses handed to them by K-State. Ahem.But we disregarded that bit of the evening as we wandered over to First Avenue to watch Justin Townes Earle sing about ... um ... addiction and lady problems. Is that accurate? I think that's pretty accurate. Regardless of his clear woman trouble, he is amazingly charming in his between-song banter, and we had a very nice time. You can see more photos of the show over here.Also, for the older set that reads this blog (Hi Mom! Hi Dad!), you might want to check out Mr. Earle's music. He's the son of Steve Earle, and I think you would really like it. Listen over here.

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser