on tv. nbd.


So this morning I swung by Zeus Jones to pick up Waffles, the company dog, and some of the creatives there to be interviewed on WCCO (the local tv station). No big thing. Just a normal Friday. (!!!)But really, it was fun. Waffles was an instant star, laying down and posing so nice for the crew, and I *think* the interview went well. And by that, I mean I think I answered the questions without sounding like a fool. But let's be real, I am going to HATE seeing myself on TV, and I just need to accept that and move on. It's good for business and it's good publicity and there's no way I'd turn that down. Regardless of how I look on video (ick).And how cute is Waffles up there shaking hands with Jason DeRusha? Adorable.