out on the ice


Man, today has been great. First off? I got to sleep in until 11 am. What am I? 17? It was divine. Then after rolling out of bed, I made us some pumpkin pancakes and we watched KU beat Texas by the skin of their teeth (but I'll take a win any way I can). Next we took Merlin over to Lake of the Isles to run on the ice. I thought it would be fun to ice skate and take photos of him. The ice, however, wasn't in great shape, so I just walked instead of skating, but he had fun running leashless in the wind (or trying to).Next up? Flu shot followed by free wine tasting at the shop up the street. Everyone should celebrate immunizations with free wine, in my opinion.And tonight I'm heading over to First Avenue to shoot a concert for the paper, which I am super excited about. One of the bands is Now, Now, who had a fantastic album last year and I have yet to see them perform live. And tomorrow? I can sleep in again if I want. Yes. This is the weekend I dream of.

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser