

From what Google tells me, the word above means love in Russian. Just like that adorable couple up there!These two, Bela and Aleksey, met me early this morning at Cedar Lake for a shoot. And they couldn't keep their hands off of each other -- which is the best way for me to snap photos of a couple. Today was their four year wedding anniversary, and it always makes me so happy to see couples who have been married for several years still so crazy about each other.Also? The heat finally broke a bit, and the weather was so nice and cool, and the lake was gorgeously calm. It really was a fantastic start to the day.Then later (after a nap) Jamie and I headed out to the Northern Spark festival. It's a new arts festival that runs from 9 pm to 6 am and most of the exhibits are done outdoors in the dark. Lots of interesting plays on light (yes I shot a few photos, but no, I'm too tired to post them now). Then we went to our friend Mandy's house for a bonfire and sparklers and s'mores. It was a lovely evening and another example of why this is such a wonderful place to live. Especially in the summer.