

Today I had a photo workshop over at Rivets and Roses (or as my mother calls it, "Guns and Roses"). We're gearing up for wedding season, and Eliesa thought it would be a good idea to go over refreshers and practice on different wedding scenarios since it's been a few months since we were inundated with everything bridal. I was all for this -- my first wedding of the year I always have all of these "Oh right! I need to do X!" moments because it's been so long, and this workshop helped a ton.The photo above was our "Let's practice shooting the drunk guest on the dance floor" moment. Seriously, we practice that! And it was fun :) Overall a great day -- I'm really lucky that I have such fun coworkers when it comes this stuff. And yes, we are practicing in a dark warehouse with no windows. Gotta represent the dark dance floor, y'all!Also! Puppy name update: We have narrowed it down to three names thanks to all of your voting: Montana, Mingus and Magda. I think from here, we'll weigh it with her personality. I've already accidentally called her Magda twice, so that one is holding weight -- and yes, that one wasn't listed yesterday, but about 6 of you emailed the suggestion in, and we added it to our list.One more thing! I'm not watching Mad Men tonight (heading out to a show instead) so NO SPOILERS! Pretty please. I'll catch up by Tuesday or Wednesday, and then we can talk all about it.