rain delay


After 2.5 hours of sleep last night thanks to a roaring thunderstorm and a pansie of a dog (Memphis), I got up at 4:45 am today so I could be at the vita.mn fashion shoot at 6 am. Ridiculous timing! Yet, it worked out great once we were all assembled and had some coffee in us. The bad news was that it poured all day and we could only shoot outside in quick 10 minute intervals while the raining stopped. The good news is that we had amazing clothes, a phenomenal crew and one hell of a model (above). Overall, I think it will be great.I'm home for just a quick break now before I head out to see M.Ward at First Avenue. I'm super excited for this show a) because M.Ward is a fantastic guitar player and I love seeing him live b) I'll get to see a bunch of friends that I haven't caught up with in awhile and c) First Ave has a brand new sound system, and I can't wait to hear it. Are you jealous? You should be.Look for some shots of the show later tonight or first thing tomorrow morning...