remember remember the fifth of november


The quote in my headline is from 'V is for Vendetta,' which is a movie I love. This post has nothing to do with that film (although tomorrow IS election day...), but when I was thinking of the date it popped in, so you get a plug for the movie. Go watch it if you haven't yet -- at the very least you'll get a great Halloween costume idea.But back to today. I started the morning by visiting a new client downtown for office and headshots, and they had a glorious workspace FULL of framed concert posters from my very favorite artist, The Small Stakes (which I've written about here before). They also had this large windowsill full of beautiful succulents, which I had to capture. It made me think that I wished I had a window in my office for plants. And then I remembered! I almost do!So about that office renovation... At the last minute we decided to, you know, paint the room right before leaving for that Madonna concert last night. Tonight we'll touch it up, and if we're feeling ambitious rip out the carpet. It is almost 8:30, so we'll see. But man, I'm aching to open up to those wood floors...

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser