

Shapow! Look who got a new iPhone today! Well, a refurbished one, anyway. Regardless, one that WORKS and works a hell of a lot better than that Black Jack II loaner phone I had for a few days (which will forever be referred to as the Crap Jack). When I bought my iPhone, the salesguy offered us the "black tie" protection through Best Buy. It covers your phone should it break either on its own or, you know, should you drop it. When he offered up the protection plan, Jamie looked at me, our eyes locked, and we were like, "yeeeeeaaaaaaaahhhhhh.... we better get that." Cuz in case you didn't know? I'm a little bit of a clutz. And I drop things. A lot.So here we are almost a year later, and whooo-eeee am I glad I had that plan in place. They replaced my phone in about 3 days, and supplied a loaner (be it a crappy one) in the meantime. So tonight I had to restore all 32G of stuff to it. Hey, wait. Doesn't the iPhone only come as big as 32G? Why, yes. Yes it does. And yes, I'm full up. At this point, it's all about choices. And when Steve Jobs graces us with a 64G phone, WATCH OUT.** Also, please note that THIS iPhone is wearing a case. I might be a slow learner, but I do learn.