rock your face off


Tonight was the Free Energy & Titus Andronicus show at the Triple Rock -- and man, what an amazing night. It started with a fabulous dinner with girlfriends and gossip, and then we moved on to the club and the music. I adore both of these bands, but this show was super fun because everyone kept coming out on stage together, and you could tell they were all having a fantastic time playing each other's songs (and covers).Besides that, I had to keep remembering to take photos. I've shot both of these bands a few times each, so nothing was new. But I would still repeatedly forget to take photos because I was so taken in by the performance. And that says a lot.I wanted to edit all of the images tonight, but I have about 40, and it's almost 3 a.m., so I'm just gonna post one. But tomorrow I'll post more, I promise. If you're in a town where these two bands are coming to play, get your ass to the show. This was most likely the best show of the fall, and for sure in the top three of the year, for me.UPDATE: Photos are posted. How much fun was this?

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser