rough one


Last night, after I blogged and put my computer away, we got a call from the vet. I had a feeling it was serious because it was 8:45, and I doubt many vets make calls that late (except ours because a) she's awesome and b) we have probably put one of her children through college now thanks to Memphis).Anyway, sadly, my instincts were right. She was calling because Memphis' tests were back and her kidney levels had gotten a lot worse in the 2 weeks since our last bloodwork. She was calling to refer us to a specialist, and she wanted us to be seen this week. She told us she was very concerned, and she was worried it might be glomerular disease, but that the specialist would be able to better pinpoint the problem.So.... like any red-blooded American with a computer I went to Google. Man, I wish I hadn't done that. Turns out that dogs diagnosed with glomerular disease live between 42 days and 20 months after diagnosis, and the average expectancy is 89 daysYeah. So I'm a little out of it today because a) all I can think about right now is that I have this one summer left with my baby girl and b) well... I might have cried a bunch and my sinuses are now a wreck, resulting in plugged ears and headache.On a positive note, however, Memphis is loving her new food, is eating a ton of it really fast, and appears to be back to her old self... So at least she's not acting as sick as her bloodwork is making her out to beI'll keep you posted on what else we learn. People, hug your pets. Our time with them is just too limited.