rural alberta advantage


Oh man, tonight's show made me happy. Yes, I'm still under the weather. But I stayed home ALL DAY and slept for most of it and took good care of myself so I could make it to First Ave for the first three songs of Rural Alberta Advantage tonight. And then? Then I was having so much fun! Dancing and singing! All my aches and pains forgotten! (Sorry, Mom.)They put on an amazing show, and they were just so thrilled to have sold out the main room. One of my favorite things in the world might be watching a band rise from the Entry to the Mainroom and how they fall in love with Minneapolis in the process.I think the band thanked The Current about four separate times on stage, and said that they couldn't even draw this many people in their home town. Also? Check out their gear. Covered in stickers from The Fetus and The Current. Love that.They played two (two!) encores, and finished with "Goodnight," which is a completely acoustic song. For that, they crawled off stage, up into the crowd and onto the stairs, and sang to a completely silent and appreciative audience. It was just magic.To see more photos from the show, they are over here.