shake it off


Sigh... last day at the lake. This was Memphis' last swim before we dried her off, packed up the car and headed back to the city. We did get in a bit more swimming and sunning before leaving today, as we didn't check out until after 4. But we had to get back before too soon because Harry Potter is tonight! We'll see how it is. My expectations are fairly low since not a single film has lived up to the genius that make the books... but I suppose that's always the case. Except for the Shining. That's the only exception I've ever found...For a complete set of our vacation photos, you can find them here. Enjoy! Oh! And also, I filled in the past week's worth of blog posts. Each one was written at the end of their respective day, and just posted today. Sorry for the delay. Much to my delight, there is no internet up in the woods. It's probably the most magical part of the cabin :)