shop animals


This afternoon, Jamie sent me a note at work asking me out on a date. LISTEN UP BOYS, THAT NEVER GETS OLD. I loooooove being asked out to dinner or out to a movie or something. It always makes me happy. And where did he take me? Tilia. Score.After dinner, we walked around the shops in the neighborhood and spied the cats over at Wild Rumpus sitting in the window watching the people go by. For those of you not from Minneapolis, Wild Rumpus is a children's boookstore that is *amazing.* Not only do they have a marvelous selection, but they also have chickens and cats roaming free for the kids to pet (or chase) and other animals in cages (like spiders! and birds! and mice!). I adore this store, and I try to support it whenever I can. Even when they are charging $40 for the latest Harry Potter and Target is only charging $19. (Yeah, I might still be bitter about that last purchase.)

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser