snowly shit!


We woke up this morning to a complete blizzard right out of The Empire Strikes Back. By noon we had around a foot of snow, and they are predicting 20 inches by tomorrow. Oh yeah, and the high tomorrow is five degrees. But actually? I'm ok with this. Everything has been cancelled, the roads are a mess, and we're literally snowed in since the plows probably won't get here until Sunday night.Around 11 am, I called the nursery up the street and they were still open for a bit, so we walked down to get our tree and carried it home. It was actually a really fun way to do it! We put the tree up in the living room, but we're not going to decorate it until tomorrow. Can I tell you how good it smells? That scent is one of my very favorite things about Christmas.I'm sure that by the end of tomorrow I will have cabin fever and be annoyed, but right now I appreciate being forced to stay in, eat soup and snuggle with the family (and catch up on Tivo).Notes: This photo looks foggy, but it's actually the snow. The flakes have been super small, just making everything look hazy in the wind. Also? Special credit to my buddy Pat for the headline idea. He used it on Twitter and I thought it was great.Oh and one more thing: We *both* carried the tree home from the nursery. This photo is just of Jamie bringing it in while I held the door. See? I participated in the manual labor.

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser