so many laughs


Tonight after work Miss Margaret and I went out for drinks. You see, her last day at is Thursday, and we needed to sob celebrate. I cannot tell you how much I am going to miss her and how despondent happy for her I am.So we headed out to have some dinner and tequila and laughs. She also brought along a birthday gift for me, which was this game that you see above called Cards Against Humanity. Oh man, did we have laughsThe way the game works (we think -- we didn't actually read the rules, we just dove right in) is you have 10 white cards in your hand and someone reads a question from a black card. You choose your answers from your white cards and the person with the best (funniest) answer wins the point. So the question for this particular round was: Reason for your last breakup. And those were our answers. Wait, you don't think we're funny? Then clearly you haven't had enough tequila.