something to aim for


Holy moly, is that a clean closet or WHAT? Tonight I got to visit my buddy Sarah's lovely home. She was very excited because she had just painted the inside of her closet. I mean, who does that? Right?You wanna know who? People who have it together and have closets that look like this. That's who. So on the left side, there are shelves full of organized boxes and dishes with jewelry and then fun glittery religious icons, like that on the right. Man, did this make me want to redo my own closet! If you, like me, have the urge to purge your wardrobe now, then it's your lucky day. Why? Because Sarah just covered how to get a simplified closet over on her blog. Thanks lady!And after having wine and snacks and delicious girl talk with Sarah and several ladies, I headed over to the Riverview to meet up with a large group of friends to see Cabin in the Woods for $3. And when I arrived, I realized that everyone who showed up (besides me) was a dude. So yeah, first wine with the ladies, then slasher flicks with the dudes. Story of my life right there.But oh! One of the more interesting parts of the evening was with the ladies (surprise, surprise) when one of them was telling us that her dad used to be a HOBO. Like, not a homeless bum, but rather someone who travelled the country by JUMPING ONTO RANDOM TRAINS. How 'bout that? And? AND? HE STILL DOES IT.And just like that, my life seems so boring... (yet safe).