sorry i'm late...


Well hello there! I seem to be pretty late with this blog post, and I apologize. While I would love to tell you that I hit up so many amazing shows yesterday and partied with so many rock stars that I just couldn't fit in the blog post last night, my excuse is SO much lamer.After dinner last night we ran over to Stubb's to catch Yuck (which I thought were OK, but obviously overwhelmed by the size of the crowd and a little put off) and then waited for James Blake. The photo pit for Blake was just stupid. I bet there were 70-80 photographers in there, and it was wall-to-wall and you couldn't even move. So I left and went out into the crowd to snap a shot or two as the place filled up with anticipation. Clearly this guy has boatloads of fans, but I am not one of them. Or rather, his music is fine in the background but I certainly don't need to shove through the throngs as if the Rolling Stones are on stage just for some quiet electronica.Anyway, after that circus, we wandered up to see the Vaccines, but my exhaustion hit me like a brick wall. It was about 10, and we were a block from the hotel, so I told Jamie to watch the Vaccines (they're playing a ton and I can catch them later) and I'd go rest up for an hour or so before Black Lips. And? Yeah. Passed out for the night.I guess I'm too old to run on 18 hours of sleep over 4 days. But the good news is that I got a solid 9 hours last night and I am hoping to be fresh and ready for today.Oh but wait. You don't care about my exhaustion? You want to hear about the music? OK. I'll tell you about yesterday's music, but remember I was tired and in a haze.I only saw seven bands, and none of them blew me away. The Romeny Rye were a great surprise, and I would love to see them again when it's not the first show of the day and they are rested. And Jessica Lea Mayfield was cute as a button with her pink feathered earrings (above). But Exrays, Braids, Jason Isbell (YES I'M GOING THERE) and James Blake bored me to tears. And I'm giving Yuck a pass, for now.I think it's imperative that I see some good old fashioned rock'n'roll or punk today because yesterday I had my fill of the quiet stuff and it plus the lack of sleep made me cranky. And I do see the irony in that I want to see some angry music to lift my spirits.