soup for the soul


Oh man, this week? It has felt very long. Jamie has been fighting a fever for the past few days and work is pretty busy and my mother-in-law left today and tomorrow I head back to Kansas to see my parents. What I would do for a slow couple of days at home... but I'll get that when I return.Tonight I got home and decided to make a big pot of soup for Jamie, and that's what you see here. It has turkey and sweet potatoes and kale and onions and wow, is it good. Now if I can just squeeze in this laundry and packing and blogging and such...But this reminds me! My parents do not have wi-fi. I will try to find some so I can blog while I'm home, but if my posts are slow just be patient. I'll catch up when I return. And do you think it would be selfish for me to "gift" wi-fi to my parents for Christmas next year? Yeah. Maybe so since they don't have laptops...

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser