state of hockey


A little change in scenery today, eh? This is just one of the *many* ways in which Minnesota is different from Kansas. First? Covered in feet of snow. Yes, feet. Second? People aren't hiding inside and canceling plans, they are *making* plans to go play in the weather. Third? The parks get just as much use in the winter with hockey and ice skating as they do in the summer with softball and soccer.I snapped this shot on my way home from work tonight. I wanted to test out a new lens that I bought to see how it would do at night, and I didn't want to go out on the ice. Otherwise, it was a pretty typical day full of work and errands and some football viewing in which one team wore the most ridiculous uniforms I have ever seen. Yes, Oregon, I'm talking to you and your Tron-loving uniform designer.

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser