the evening rig


Woot! The Evening Rig! This is one of my favorite local bands that isn't a rap group :) I loooove these guys (and girl) so much live, and their last album was fantastic. Tonight they had a record release party for their new album (which I haven't heard yet, so I cannot comment although my faith in them tells me it will be fantastic). The show was a blast. They played their new songs, their old songs and then some covers (Summer of '69!! Part of Sweet Home Alabama!!). Ah, it was a happy night for sure.But kids, I gotta hit the hay (it's 2 am and I am shooting a wedding tomorrow). But when I get home from all the romance, I'll try to post more images from the show. In the meantime? Happy holiday weekend, everyone!UPDATE: Photos from the full show are now up over here. Enjoy!

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser