the rare feline


Oh my lord, a CAT! On Shuttersmack! Haha, this usually means that I have visited the lovely Sopheava, and yes, that is the case today as well. Indigo up there is her furball, and he is such a ... cat. You are constantly being judged by this one (he's probably even judging you through this here computer screen). But still a cutie!I was visiting Miss Margaret this evening in her shiny, new (and bright) (and amazing) apartment for dinner and a meeting on our super-secret project. Ok, whatever, it's not that secret. She is totally helping me to make my Shuttersmack site a prettier, cleaner, more organized space. And I cannot wait to show you when we're all said and done! You're gonna love it, I promise.And I almost forgot! I was interviewed by a local blog in town today! If you want to read all about my twitter habits and things that give me nightmares, you can do so right here. Enjoy!