the waiting game


So today was pretty much just full of waiting. Jamie's father is in the ICU down in Kansas City, and I wanted to spend today tying up all loose ends so I would be ready to fly down and meet up with the family at a moment's notice. By noon I had vacuumed all three floors of the house, done all the dishes, folded two loads of laundry and put it all away, rescheduled all of the week's appointments and reorganized a closet. By two I had finished editing the wedding I'm currently working on and by 5:30 I had read an entire book cover to cover. (Can you hear my foot tapping wherever you are?)Being home alone waiting for the latest updates is driving me a little crazy. Maybe it's all my years at the newspaper, but I'm used to being the first to know, not the last. And, needless to say, I'm crazy worried about my father-in-law.So finally around 6:30, I decided I would leave the house and meet up with a few friends for dinner. After that, I wandered over to Mere's house to hear about the rest of the music festival and to see how she was doing. She was loading in her Flaming Lips photos, and man did that look like an amazing show to shoot. I almost wish I had stayed the weekend to do that. But you know. Camping. Not gonna happen.This photo is of one of the lamps in Mere's place. Her apartment is this completely bohemian little corner of paradise that is all mellow and relaxing. It was a nice place to hang out and unwind a little.

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser