the way it should be


Man, today was so good. First? First we met up with some new friends over in St. Paul for brunch at the Strip Club. Don't worry Mom, it's a Steakhouse -- not an adult club. Clever name though, eh? Anyway, the food was so amazing. I got scrambled eggs with garlic and shrimp and holy cow, was that delicious. And? It was dead and we got fast and amazing service (another reason why it's totally worth the drive to St. Paul for brunch!).Then I spent this afternoon reading design books in front of the fire (score!) before we headed out to the 331 for the drunken spelling bee which provided phenomenal people watching. So how it works is, you are "encouraged" to have a drink between each round. We started with 40 contestants and by round 4 they were down to 2. Jamie and Meredith entered -- I was the designated driver. It was hilarious. They also offer (in round 3) that if you misspell a word, you can try again with the next word if you do it in your underwear. And yes, both a male and female resorted to that. Entertainment for the whole family!After the spelling bee, we mosied over to the Modern Cafe for meatloaf dinner before hitting up a friend's birthday party. I told you it was a good day!

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser