

Man, last night's thunderstorm was INTENSE! The owner of our cabin, Fred, stopped by around 8:30 pm to alert us that there was a severe thunderstorm warning for the middle of the night, and it looked like the storm would hit around 2:30 am. Exciting! He then told us how to shut the windows so they wouldn't blow out and told us if it got too bad we could OPEN THE TRAP DOOR AND GO TO THE BASEMENT.I'm sorry, have y'all seen Cabin in the Woods? Because I am NOT (I repeat, NOT) going into the basement of a CABIN IN THE WOODS. Lord. I hadn't even *noticed* the trap door (yes, just like the movie). *shudder*Anyway, while the lightning storm was phenomenal (as was the thunder), we just stayed up comforting the Golden Retriever from the storm (as my dad would say, "candy-ass"). I would also like to point out that the collie has no issue with armegeddon storms whatsoever. But the sound a Macintosh makes when moving files from one folder to the next? That takes years off of his life. Weirdo.So this morning when we woke up, it was dark and grey, and I stayed in most of the day reading my third book (The Night Circus -- soooo good). I did venture down to the dock once or twice and then again when it started to rain again this evening for this shot. It looks like we're in for more thunderstorms, so tonight will be red wine and reading and more pup snuggling. Not a bad way to live.