under the weather


Our little girl here is sick. Still. Lately she's lost interest in food (unless it's our food... or food that she has previously barfed up. Yeah -- filthy creatures) and will barely wag her tail when you enter the room. Me entering the room used to be the Best Thing Ever! Sigh, I miss those days.We went back to the vet today for more tests and should know more by the end of the week. The highlight of Memphis' day was when she *almost* got to eat a baby bunny alive. But Mom interfered by screaming at her, and as she turned to glare at me the baby bunny (squealing) lept from her jaws and ran into the neighbors yard, apparently uninjured (minus the severe heart damage from being held in the teeth of a dog and surviving to tell the tale).I would like to point out, however, that while Memphis is not eating her food, should Merlin attempt to swing by and nibble the leftovers, she snarls and nips at him. So at least she's still go the "bitch" thing going for her. (And I say that in the most endearing way possible.)