wearing them out


I got home from work tonight and man-oh-man were the dogs excited to see me. Jumping! And barking! And circling! And barking! And licking! And barking! I mean, I know I've been gone for a few days, but this was out of control. And I needed some quiet. (And I needed a photo of the day.)So I loaded them into the car with the leashes, grabbed my camera and an extra lens and took off for the dog park. It was 7:30, so I knew I had about 45 minutes of delicious light left to catch them playing and happy. And I got to the park and realized something. I had forgotten to put a memory card in my camera. PRO TIP: Check camera for memory card before leaving house without full camera bag. Oy.So Memphis and Merlin played and ran and barked and ran and jumped and sniffed and ran. And finally, they were worn out and the barking had stopped (whew!). So I loaded them back up and headed for home.I am not even kidding you, within five minutes of being home the snoring started. Memphis here is sawing logs like a lumberjack in her old age. Merlin doesn't really snore as much as he whimpers and growls softly at whatever he's chasing in his sleep (plus the occasional tail wag). Such adorable sleepers, my pups. (Which is the photo you get today... maybe I'll head back to the dog park later in the week and remember all of my gear.)