welcome to hell


This morning I woke up with a bang and cleaned the whole house top to bottom. Well... I didn't vacuum (blech), but I did almost everything else. Then we took Merlin for a nice, brisk walk and then met up with my buddy Will for a late brunch over at Hell's Kitchen (whose chandelier is featured above). He's on the road with a british band (A Silent Film) that's playing tonight at the Triple Rock, and it was just good to see him outside the club and catch up. Plus, we hadn't eaten at Hell's Kitchen in a super long time, and yes it's still amazingly good food. I was super tempted to head back to the Triple Rock tonight to see the show, but being on campus tomorrow at 7:30 am forces me to make Adult Decisions sometimes, and this was one of those moments.After brunch we came home and I laid down and napped for two hours. TWO HOURS. Holy moly did that feel good. We had such a slow weekend that I was thinking on Thursday how boring it would be, but man it was kinda nice to just sleep and hibernate. And I better get all of that outta my system now that March is around the corner...

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser