winter fashion


Maaaaaaaan today was long but good. We had our winter fashion shoot out in the woods and (fingers crossed) I think (knock on wood) it might have gone really well. We'll see when the photos come in. And then after those nine hours, I had a panel discussion over at the U with their Fashion and Business group to talk about a career that incorporates so much creativity.One of the panelists spoke about how she was raised to believe that you could never make a career out of the arts or anything creative -- that she should get a much more "level-headed" degree, like communications, so she would be employable. And I would say that I, too, grew up with that same interpretation of life -- that if you were an artist for a living, you were "starving."Anyway, as she so elequently put it (and as I passionately agree), you can make money at anything if you are extremely passionate about your craft and you are a hard worker. AMEN. It takes so much time and patience and work, but getting there is pretty dang awesome. So go after your dreams, kids. It's well worth it.Oh yeah... you might want to know about the photos up there, eh? The turkeys were wild and they were hanging out near our dressing room all day long. Along with a BUCK. With ANTLERS. Working in the woods is fun!In the other photos, you'll see that we shot in scenic grasses, that our model had gorgeous eyes (stunning, really) and that we may or may not be featuring sparkly shoes. I loved the contradiction of sequined heels left in the woods. Too funny.

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser