winter sport?


So tonight was the first time I saw people at hockey practice on the neighborhood rink. They flood the baseball diamonds in the parks here and put up hockey rinks for practice at night. Except they don't have the rink up here yet (the walls and boards), just the ice. Wanna know why? Because today it was in the 40s. In January. In Minnesota.Now, don't get me wrong. I am NOT complaining that it's too warm in January. You will never hear me say that -- just that there's NOT ENOUGH SNOW. Anyway, you can see the puddles on this ice, and in a few weeks we have the annual city-wide pond-hockey tournament which, obviously, takes place on a frozen lake. Except that none of the lakes are frozen all the way yet (that I know of -- at least the 2 by my house aren't). Pretty interesting winter we're having, eh?

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser