yearning for warmth


Aaaaand we're back to Way Back Wednesdays. I really should have done a fresh shot today, since it's Merlin's 10th birthday. Can you believe my boy is ten years old!? But I didn't get home until after dark, and it's supposed to be 60 degrees this weekend (I KNOW! SIXTY DEGREES! I MIGHT RUN AROUND OUTSIDE IN MY SKIVVIES!) (Ok, not really.) and I thought I would likely take photos of him outside in the sunshine then instead.But I am just itching for the warm sun, and this morning I was thinking back to our last visit to Calilfornia for my niece's high school graduation. And then I was remembering the farmer's market there, which was by far one of the best farmer's markets I've ever been to, and I wanted to run a photo from that. And then I found this parrot! I shot him sitting on his owner's shoulder at the farmer's market that day. Pretty, eh?Oh man, you guys. I am so ready for summer and warmth and sandals and ice cream.And now for your internet hookup for the day, which I spaced out yesterday. Yeah, sorry about that. Anyway! This is a photo that made me laugh. I found it through the lovely Margaret, and while I really try not to be too politial on this blog, this photo does capture my feelings on the current supreme court case pretty darn well.