Posts in Rescue Dogs
lucy the dog

post by leslie

This is Lucy! She is one of the sweetest and friendliest pit bulls I have ever met -- in fact, she would make a great ambassador dog! She's one year old and is 65 lbs. She was rescued from Minneapolis Animal Control, so she's a local girl who's been in foster care for about 3 weeks. She's good with dogs (in fact, she would LOVE playmate to wrestle with!) and with dog-savvy cats, but her size and energy means she should probably stay out of homes with small kids.She's great on walks, great in the car, and really just a happy, healthy girl. She's learning her potty training (several months living in a kennel in animal control makes that training a little tougher), but she is learning. She'll make a wonderful dog.If you're interested in this sweetheart, you can find her adoption information here.  About this projectFor the next month, I’ll feature photos on my blog, my instagram and my facebook feeds that focus on dogs who need homes. These are dogs currently in foster homes, waiting for their forever family. They are amazing pups who will melt your hearts — some are hard to adopt because they are pit bull mixes (the sweetest dogs ever who cannot help their strength) or they have lived on the streets for a long time and are covered in scars or they might be blind or deaf (or both). Some are simply hard to get adopted because they are black, which is the dumbest reason ever. But each dog that has come into my studio in the last few weeks for photos has had a warm heart and wanted nothing more than love. Wouldn’t it be great if one of you could provide that? I hope so. To see all the dogs featured so far, look here.

Meet Annabelle

post by leslie

This is Annabelle! She's a 3-year-old labrador mix from Kentucky. She's less than 30 lbs, so she looks like a golden lab puppy, and she'll look that way FOREVER. Which is amazing!She is super sweet and snuggly, and is well trained. She also loves to lounge and sleep on the sofa (as do I).Our sweet Annabelle does have a titch of anxiety though, so she might dig a little or chew -- which means it's good to give this girl loads of chew toys and keep her busy and well exercised. She loves other dogs, is good with kids, but probably shouldn't go to a house with cats. She would do best in a home with a large fenced-in yard. Want more information on her? Here you go!About this projectFor the next month, I’ll feature photos on my blog, my instagram and my facebook feeds that focus on dogs who need homes. These are dogs currently in foster homes, waiting for their forever family. They are amazing pups who will melt your hearts — some are hard to adopt because they are pit bull mixes (the sweetest dogs ever who cannot help their strength) or they have lived on the streets for a long time and are covered in scars or they might be blind or deaf (or both). Some are simply hard to get adopted because they are black, which is the dumbest reason ever. But each dog that has come into my studio in the last few weeks for photos has had a warm heart and wanted nothing more than love. Wouldn’t it be great if one of you could provide that? I hope so. To see all the dogs featured so far, look here.

Meet Saber

post by leslie

This is Saber (also goes by Sadie) and she is a SWEETIE. She is 10 months old and has been at her foster's house for a month. Her foster mom describers her as "the easiest puppy ever." She loves, loves, loves other dogs, is very social, loves her crate, and judging from her time in my photo studio, she loves gazing at herself in the mirror! Ha!She's fine around kids, we're not sure about cats yet, but is in general a fantastic dog. She was rescued running wild at one of the reservations up north. She is just shy of 50 lbs.I see in my notes after her photo shoot I wrote, "Someone should adopt this girl immediately!" But the thing is? She hasn't had any applications yet! Say what? There is no reason! She's great!So if you're looking to raise a dog that's already potty trained and super easy going and fun, get on it! Here's her adoption info! About this projectFor the next month, I’ll feature photos on my blog, my instagram and my facebook feeds that focus on dogs who need homes. These are dogs currently in foster homes, waiting for their forever family. They are amazing pups who will melt your hearts — some are hard to adopt because they are pit bull mixes (the sweetest dogs ever who cannot help their strength) or they have lived on the streets for a long time and are covered in scars or they might be blind or deaf (or both). Some are simply hard to get adopted because they are black, which is the dumbest reason ever. But each dog that has come into my studio in the last few weeks for photos has had a warm heart and wanted nothing more than love. Wouldn’t it be great if one of you could provide that? I hope so. To see all the dogs featured so far, look here.

Roxanne - ADOPTED

post by leslie

This is Roxanne and she is a sweetie! She is a 3-year-old border collie mix from Kentucky. She came to Minnesota covered in ticks, but has recovered nicely. And you should see her pretty teeth -- she loves to chew her bones and you can see it in her pearly whites!Roxy adores people and she loves to play! Right now she gets two walks a day or a trip to the dog park, and that activity keeps her super happy.But for as much as she likes the rough and tumble outside, she's a big snuggler and couch potato inside. She gets along well with cats, kids and dogs, so she's an easy one to bring into your home. For adoption information, look here!  About this projectFor the next month, I’ll feature photos on my blog, my instagram and my facebook feeds that focus on dogs who need homes. These are dogs currently in foster homes, waiting for their forever family. They are amazing pups who will melt your hearts — some are hard to adopt because they are pit bull mixes (the sweetest dogs ever who cannot help their strength) or they have lived on the streets for a long time and are covered in scars or they might be blind or deaf (or both). Some are simply hard to get adopted because they are black, which is the dumbest reason ever. But each dog that has come into my studio in the last few weeks for photos has had a warm heart and wanted nothing more than love. Wouldn’t it be great if one of you could provide that? I hope so. To see all the dogs featured so far, look here.


post by leslie

This is sweet Payaso. He's only 2.5 years old, but he's been in foster care since he was one. Let's get this Jack Russel Terrier mix a home, shall we?Payaso is under 30 lbs and loves to cuddle up with his person. He loves to watch TV and nest with his toys in bed. He loves going on hikes, but he does not like other dogs, so more secluded walks are best (or a big fenced yard). He adores a good game of fetch or tug of war, and in general he loves playing with his people. He can't live in a home with cats, other dogs or kids, so he just needs a person he can dote on endlessly.Payaso is a super fast learner, is clicker trained and very well behaved and does well in a crate. He would make an excellent companion, and you can learn how to adopt him here! About this projectFor the next month, I’ll feature photos on my blog, my instagram and my facebook feeds that focus on dogs who need homes. These are dogs currently in foster homes, waiting for their forever family. They are amazing pups who will melt your hearts — some are hard to adopt because they are pit bull mixes (the sweetest dogs ever who cannot help their strength) or they have lived on the streets for a long time and are covered in scars or they might be blind or deaf (or both). Some are simply hard to get adopted because they are black, which is the dumbest reason ever. But each dog that has come into my studio in the last few weeks for photos has had a warm heart and wanted nothing more than love. Wouldn’t it be great if one of you could provide that? I hope so. To see all the dogs featured so far, look here.

Riley Perry is the sweetest

post by leslie

Oh this girl. She wiggled her way deep into my heart! Meet Riley Perry. What a love.She is a 2-year-old plott hound from Alabama. She has the most beautiful coat and the sweetest eyes. She is pretty tentative around people, but get her around dogs and she is back to a normal happy tail wag. Because of this, she would love to go to a home with another pup. She is also ok with cats, but should not live with small children. You can see her adoption information here. About this projectFor the next month, I’ll feature photos on my blog, my instagram and my facebook feeds that focus on dogs who need homes. These are dogs currently in foster homes, waiting for their forever family. They are amazing pups who will melt your hearts — some are hard to adopt because they are pit bull mixes (the sweetest dogs ever who cannot help their strength) or they have lived on the streets for a long time and are covered in scars or they might be blind or deaf (or both). Some are simply hard to get adopted because they are black, which is the dumbest reason ever. But each dog that has come into my studio in the last few weeks for photos has had a warm heart and wanted nothing more than love. Wouldn’t it be great if one of you could provide that? I hope so. To see all the dogs featured so far, look here.

Have you seen Buddy?

post by leslie

This is Buddy. I photographed him about two weeks ago, and I was thrilled to hear he was immediately adopted. These are my favorite stories!But then I found out that he escaped his new owner while out, and she has been searching desperately all over for him. I'm posting this hoping you (or anyone you know in the area) can help find him.He was lost around Como Lake in St. Paul, and has been seen around Roseville as well. If you see him, please, please call 612 323 3987. He is very afraid right now, so please don't try to catch him or to call to him or whistle -- he'll just run. Instead, maybe leave some food or water for him and call the number. Folks are looking really hard for him, and all sightings are helpful! Thanks!About this projectFor the next month, I’ll feature photos on my blog, my instagram and my facebook feeds that focus on dogs who need homes. These are dogs currently in foster homes, waiting for their forever family. They are amazing pups who will melt your hearts — some are hard to adopt because they are pit bull mixes (the sweetest dogs ever who cannot help their strength) or they have lived on the streets for a long time and are covered in scars or they might be blind or deaf (or both). Some are simply hard to get adopted because they are black, which is the dumbest reason ever. But each dog that has come into my studio in the last few weeks for photos has had a warm heart and wanted nothing more than love. Wouldn’t it be great if one of you could provide that? I hope so. To see all the dogs featured so far, look here.


post by leslie

This is Skyy! She is a 4-year-old boxer and she is such a love bug! She's good with other dogs, she's fine with cats and she is a total people pleaser. People are her FAVORITE.Skyy loves playing outside and would love a big backyard. Her favorite game is tug of war, and she also loves to snuggle and gaze out the window, as do I. She is super well trained, but she is a touch leash reactive, so she's being trained on that now.She does have arthritis in her back hips, but she seems happy and in great spirits and her weight is low enough to keep the arthritis in check. Please give this girl some love. She deserves it! You can find her adoption information here.  About this projectFor the next month, I’ll feature photos on my blog, my instagram and my facebook feeds that focus on dogs who need homes. These are dogs currently in foster homes, waiting for their forever family. They are amazing pups who will melt your hearts — some are hard to adopt because they are pit bull mixes (the sweetest dogs ever who cannot help their strength) or they have lived on the streets for a long time and are covered in scars or they might be blind or deaf (or both). Some are simply hard to get adopted because they are black, which is the dumbest reason ever. But each dog that has come into my studio in the last few weeks for photos has had a warm heart and wanted nothing more than love. Wouldn’t it be great if one of you could provide that? I hope so. To see all the dogs featured so far, look here.