first tooth fairy visit

It has been a really big week over here. Please excuse me while I brag on my kid for just a moment.

First, on Friday we learned that Ezra won his school read-a-thon (which happened back in February). He read 5026 minutes, the most of any kindergartner, and he won A BRAND NEW BIKE! Which was incredibly exciting!

So we went to pick out said bike (purple!) and then Jamie and I had an ACTUAL DATE NIGHT. With a real, life (vaccinated) babysitter! And while we were on our date, Ezra lost his first tooth!

I just cannot believe he is losing teeth and riding bikes that only have hand brakes and he’s almost a first grader. Life is good. I’m trying hard to really enjoy these days because from what I hear, it will likely head south in about five more years. We’ll see!

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