adventures in cardboard


0317cardboardwSo last Friday, I got to do a shoot with this local company, Adventures in Cardboard. You guys, it is businesses like this that make me so happy to be a parent right now! You better believe Ezra is going to cardboard camp as soon as he's old enough!Wait, are you confused? Did you not click on the link? This company builds mazes and castles and costumes and swords and shields and such out of old cardboard. They use appliance boxes, and their creations are AMAZING. They push kids to get creative, and the kids help build the mazes and their own costumes and then they let loose and play. Seriously, check out this website. I would have loved this camp as a kid.For your internet shares of the day, I was fascinated by which presidential campaigns are actually paying the women equally to the men. And I'm also interested in this movie featuring Barkhad Abdi, the Minnesotan Oscar nominee from Captain Phillips a few years back.Ok. That's all. Now get back to the NCAA tournament!