moonrise kingdom


0521moonwI had a shoot near Lake Harriet on Saturday around sunset, and I stuck around with my tripod earlier to photograph the moon rising above the lake. Oh man, I'm so glad I did! (And might I suggest everyone grab some popcorn and do this some summer evening? So relaxing...)The moon looks oranger than usual, I think, because it was a very hazy day, and lots of haze is what also makes sunsets extra pinkish. Also, as it got darker and darker and darker, I noticed an orange star near the moon. I found out later that it was Mars! What a fun thing to spot!For your internet shares of the day:+ The new Star Trek trailer had me squealing in delight+ And in other nerd news, I might need to buy this+ Last weekend I posted this on Facebook ... I am still laughing about this amazing woman so I thought I'd share it here.