a bit of nature


I have a backlog of animals to show you guys, so here are a few. The top owl was from a raptor center demonstration at the farmer's market last week (Ezra was so uninterested that it was embarrassing!), the moose shots were from the zoo a few weeks back (they were training them! I loved it!) and the bottom owl photo was also from the raptor center, but from back in Buffalo last month. I told you I had a backlog!I always think of owls and moose as northern animals who belong in Minnesota. I know this isn't true (I saw a similar owl in Texas this year!), but I never had a chance of seeing these creatures growing up in Kansas, so they seem native to me here. And the moose probably won't be in Minnesota much longer -- they're dying off pretty quick with how warm it is these days. I'm certain the current administration will do nothing to really help the problem either.For your internet shares of the day:+ The Hate U Give. This book has been on my hold list at the library for six months. I just got it and am devouring it and EVERY body should read it. And by everybody, I mean every white person. Every single one of us.+ Kelly Moore has some new camera bags. I have never purchased these before, but I am tempted by the Collins and the Jude...+ Oh how I would love to do a photo shoot like this!+ Or this!