a clean slate


17smOh man, isn't he handsome? And this guy here, he LOVES the snow. I brought him outside with Mags so I could document her first time in a large amount of snow, and I was stunned as Merlin began prancing around the yard and playing with her -- picking fights and everything! I was so, so glad I had my camera on me. You can see the rest of the images over here. What an amazingly fun lunch hour.I love the first big snow of the year because not only does my backyard look substantially better, but it feels more like a fresh start to me. I'm not sure why. Anyway, so today I was reading about Jay Z (What's that look for? My tastes are diverse!) and I saw that he and B are going vegan for the next 22 days. And I really like the idea behind this excerpt on his blog:

Psychologists have said it takes 21 days to make or break a habit. On the 22nd day, you’ve found the way.

And the fact that this would end on Christmas day is really cool! It really gives you motivation during the holiday feasts etc to set a new goal. Don't worry, I'm not going vegan -- I like steak WAY too much for that. Instead, I am going to try to do yoga every day for the next 22 days. I used to practice 3-4 times a week, and it made a huge difference for me. But when my very favorite teacher in the whole entire world moved to Colorado, I began slacking. Then my studio, which was 2 blocks from the house, moved and it got harder to get to class. And then life took over and I fell off the yoga wagon. But I'm going to try to get back on! We'll see how it goes, but today's practice was pretty fantastic, I gotta say.If anyone else out there wants to join in and make a daily goal for the next 22 days, share in the comments section please!