a clean slate


0101bookssmJamie and I have an annual tradition that on New Year's Day, we clean the house and put together huge boxes of donations, ridding the home of unneeded stuff. This is also the day that we take down the holiday tree and decorations, making everything seem clutter free and clean as we start 2015. It's super cathartic, and I highly suggest it. I am pretty sure every single one of us has too much crap in our house, and choosing a room and diving in is an awesome way to start.Anyway, today we did just that, but the area of the house I focused on purging was the bookshelves in the living room. I have sooo many books. Many that I've read and thought were mediocre, and many that were given to me that I've never gotten around to (and don't really plan to). So I sorted all that out and we cleaned that up and man do I feel better! Above is one of my bookshelves. And yes, I do organize by color.So let's talk about 2015, shall we? I have made a pretty big decision to change the blog a bit. I've been posting a photo every single day (excluding the break for recovery from child delivery) for SIX YEARS. You guys, that's a long time. And I'm getting a touch burned out. I mean, I still love shooting photos every day, but keeping up the blog does take about an hour out of each and every day.And right now, my time is pretty darn valuable between running the business, keeping up the blog and raising the spawn. Oh, and keeping the romance alive on the homefront :)The plan, at this point, is to keep up the daily blogging, but only Monday through Friday. I would love to have my weekends be as computer-free as possible (especially since I still do a ton of shooting on the weekends, and my time home with the family is like gold). This means that Savory Sunday will end, although food will obviously still be a big part of my content, and Saturdays at the Circus will stop.Can you hear that? That's the grandmothers crying out.Oh calm down! Saturdays at the Circus are pretty popular, so I'm just making it Mondays at the Madhouse instead. It will be all dog and kid etc etc. It will just be more of a combined effort, and we'll see how that goes.Also, I'll still try to post wonderful recipes, it just won't be as consistent.Ok! I think that's all the news about the blog!I hope you all had a fabulous holiday season and I hope 2015 is glorious for each and every one of you. Here's to shifting priorities and keeping enough time for all aspects of your life! Cheers!