a day in the life


post by leslie

I know that in the past I have mentioned these Day in the Life sessions that I am launching, but you guys, these sessions are so magical. I love spending so much time getting to know my clients, I adore making photos of the day-to-day moments that zoom by parents in the early years and I truly am in awe of how hard parents are working day and night (both for income and to make their kids happy!).The family I'm sharing with you today is in a very real struggle as they have an infant, a 2 year old and a high energy (BUT OH SO ADORABLE!) dog. Being with them reminded me of how hard those first months with an infant can be, but especially when you have another child in the house. You are suddenly split up into one-on-one defense (better than zone defense, I presume), and you are so exhausted. Middle of the night feedings? Yup. Potty training at the same time? You bet. Sucking snot out of your childrens' noses? Of course. But these parents? They laughed through it all, and we had so much fun. And I felt so guilty the next night when I slept for 9 hours and hoped that much sleep was in their future soon...Below are a few of my favorite shots. I also did a film for this family, which you can see here. Enjoy!