a quick word

Hi guys.You might have noticed that I didn't (couldn't) blog last Friday. The health situation in our house has gotten worse, and blogging had to take a hit this weekend.Jamie came down with Pink Eye on Thursday. I still had my cold, it waned, and then I was hit again (this time by the flu, I think -- something with a nasty fever). Ezra, however was in great spirits all week and happy as a clam. But on Saturday, we noticed some "stuff" in his ear. Calls were made and a doctor appointment was set up. It turns out he has 1) a double ear infection 2) a ruptured ear drum and 3) a huge pain tolerance. So now he's on some antibiotics, which create other, shall we say, digestive issues. And yes, I'm also giving him probiotics.During all of this, I was fed up that none of the decongestants I was taking were working, so I switched to Mucinex, with dire results. I had a horrible reaction to the medicine and was pretty much listless, queasy and dizzy for 24 hours after taking the pill (which was to last 4 hours). As you can see, we can't seem to catch a break over here. And obviously, I did not even pick up my camera once this weekend.I'm going to take a few days off from blogging this week while we all try to recover. I hope you understand.If you are healthy? Enjoy it. For me.