a certain waiting room


You guys... I must apologize for the lack of, um, enthusiasm in the last few posts. I am *still* fighting off this head cold of mine, and I am so tired when I come home from work that I pretty much pound out these entries as fast as I can so I can crawl off to bed. I am hoping that all of this sleep will help in the (speedy) recovery as I have a bunch of fun concerts coming up as well as, you know, SXSW in Austin (!!!). So please bear with me.Today's photo comes from... can you guess? The dentist office! Did ya see that one coming? I had an appointment today to get a new crown put on (for those who don't know, I am very close to my dentist as I'm sure by now I have financed a second home and perhaps several children's college educations with the amount of work that my mouth requires). They had gotten new plants and rocks in the aquarium in the waiting area, making the tank much brighter and perfect for a photo. You thought I was joking about how often I'm at the dentist? Who else notices NEW PLANTLIFE in the aquarium? My mouth is a sad state, I tell you. And not just because of the foul language. (That one was for you, Dad.)