a good start


I know! He is so dang handsome, right? Yeah. I'm a lucky girl to have this guy around.Since he became spoiled rotten an only child recently, I've been walking him every day. My reasoning is two-fold. First, he's getting way more treats now that his sister isn't around. She had such a sensitive stomach that we didn't give either dog many table scraps or treats during the day. But now? Now the floodgates are wide open, and to say Merlin is packing on a few pounds might be an understatement. So that's one reason for the walks.The other reason is that collies are just kinda freaked out creatures. I believe the PC term is "skittish." Whatever you call it, should you drop your phone on the floor accidentally, this guy jumps about three feet in the air and probably loses a few years off his life. I'm hoping these daily walks mellow him out a little because he's gotten even more strange "skittish" since his sister died.And? It's just a nice way to start the day. Today it was snowing lightly, and when we got home the flakes got much bigger, so I made him pose for a photo or two before coming inside for breakfast. I love how the flakes are stuck around his ears. Adorable.

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser