
A new year. This time, it feels different. This time, there's just three in our family, and we're learning new routines and such. But enough of that -- let's focus on the positive, eh?Today we started out the year as we always do, with a big breakfast. Since I gave up grains in 2011, these breakfasts usually consist of eggs... lots and lots of eggs. And I have to tell you, I am getting a touch tired of eggs. So last night I looked up a recipe for Paleo pancakes, which of course I suspected would suck (right?). But the blogger who wrote the recipe insisted these were good, so I thought we'd try them. Plus? They were pumpkin pancakes. Win!And you know what? They were really good! I was stunned! As was Jamie! So we'll be making them again. Oh, and for those of you that are wondering what makes them Paleo pancakes, they use almond and coconut flour instead of regular wheat flour. And you have to get these ingredients at Whole Foods. And my father would have had a field day making fun of us trying to find this stuff -- it was a regular episode of Portlandia, let me tell you.The rest of the day was spent cleaning and getting the house ready for the new year. Starting off with a clean house, clean sheets and a fridge full of delicious food is how I try to start every year, this one being no exception. But the best part of today? Besides the awesome pancakes? That would have been when our fantastic friends Matt and Bryan stopped by the house. They live in DC and had tried to get together with us for dinner a few times this week, but we couldn't make it happen due to illness. So they brought us the MOST AMAZING care package. I took a photo of it over here. You guys, I cannot tell you how often I am blown away by all the kindness in this world. We will have to pay this one forward for sure.Oh, and sidenote! This is the start of my FIFTH year in a row of blogging. Can you believe it? I've blogged every single day for four straight years? Crazytown!Also, beofre I forget, the recipe to those pancakes is over here if you're interested.

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser