a year ago, you could see the grass. and it was green.


I was poking around my archives today for some photos for vita.mn (which miraculously did come together today, hallelujah) and I stumbled upon these (as well as some adorable shots of Memphis). This is Kali, and I photographed her and her family on April first last year. The family was in short sleeves and bare legs. The grass was green. The sun was out. And we are supposed to get 6 more inches of snow tomorrow. Ahem.

Also, fun fact I learned at work today: July is the only month that has never had snow in Minnesota. So if THAT isn't depressing, I don't know what is.

For my internet share of the day, I have *two* things to share. The first is something Jamie found, which is a fascinating look at how women see themselves vs. how others see us. I love this. It's done by Dove, a company who I love for celebrating real women.

The second item is the trailer to the new Superman movie. The very best part? If you look closely at the 2:20 mark, you can see that Clark Kent is a Jayhawk fan. OF COURSE HE IS. Everybody loves the Jayhawks -- even Superman.