much needed w(h)ine


At about 12:45 today I started having issues with a big project I was designing for Around 2:30, it got serious enough that I called in some tech help. By 3 pm we had filed a "ticket" with the corporation's IT department in Atlanta. When I left after 8 pm, none of it was resolved, and it looks like I'll probably need to start from scratch when I get into the office tomorrow after class, in the middle of deadline. Hooray! And also there was a big, heated meeting today where we went over our latest union contract at the paper. Always a good time.

So you can bet that when I was about to leave for the day (night?) and I realized a few of my closest friends were having dinner four blocks from my house, I was eager to crash their meal, eat some fries and partake in some wine. BEST DECISION OF THE DAY. Damn I love these people, and just like that everything is OK again. People: Cherish your friendships. They really put things in perspective.