adopt don't shop

post by leslie

Well look at sweet Magda up there! This girl has been by my side a lot this week as I'm fighting off some sort of... nobody knows. I've consulted three doctors in the last 24 hours and no one has a diagnosis for me, but I did get some antibiotics so hopefully the pressure in my head, face, jaw, ear, eyes and teeth lets up soon, eh? In the meantime, I've had a lot of couch time and a lot of snuggles from my girl Magda. And today is the day to celebrate her, because it's National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day! Which we all know I support one thousand percent.This year, like last, I'm celebrating / pushing shelter dogs by running my Adopt a Stray in May project! This means that you can check back here throughout the month for photos and profiles of adorable rescue dogs in the Twin Cities who are looking for their permanent homes! These dogs are so lovable -- they just need someone to give them all a chance..⁣. So maybe you should be that person?At the least, you can admire how cute they are. And in the meantime, you can gaze at sweet Magda up there.