

How cute is this little girl? She's an 8-week-old black lab mix we found today at the Humane Society. Wait! Let me be clear. We did not adopt her. (But YOU* can!)

We were running errands right by the Golden Valley Humane Society, and we'd never been there before. We decided to go in and see what they had. We're not looking for a new dog (yet), but sometimes playing with puppies is a treat. Wait, who am I kidding?! Not *sometimes* but ALL THE TIME. Anyway, I'd be surprised if we got a new dog before summer. We're still pretty sad about Memphis, and we don't want a "replacement," if that makes sense.

Anyway, they had three litters of puppies at the humane society, and so we pulled one female out to play for a little bit. I love how enthusiastic pups are and how much fun everything is. This little girl was already retrieving! It was adorable.

After that we had the exciting day of visiting three home improvement stores plus a tile store to pick out some new faucets and tile for our bathroom. It reminded me of this.

*Should you want to adopt this cutie, her name there is Snow White and she's in with the puppies.