april showers, snow and ice


Man, this weather is dreary! Today we had snow, ice and rain -- and it's supposed to be this way all week long. And it's been this way for at least a week. When we booked that trip to the California desert in May, I thought we were booking it too late -- that we wouldn't need the warmth because Minnesota would be toasty and dry by then. It looks like I was completely, one-hundred percent wrong about that.

Most of you know that I prefer gray days to sunny ones, so that part isn't really getting to me. But the slick, wet sidewalks are annoying as I can't walk Merlin as much, and I'm almost all caught up on my TV. So today I went to the bookstore and bought a bunch of European fashion magazines for some inspiration as well as Grace Coddington's memoir. I am super excited to dig into that book.

For the internet share of the day, I'll send you over to Guy Aroch's fashion photography. I drool over these images.