after the storm


post by leslie

Last night, I had a family photo session at a gorgeous nature center north of the cities. On the way there, I drove through a torrential storm that reminded me so much of Miami (that place gets storms like no other). The wind was insane and my windshield wipers could not even begin to keep up.But one thing I learned from Florida is that storms this strong move fast, so I was hopeful it would clear up by the time I reached my destination. And it did! Yay!We got some fantastic family shots, but here are a few snaps I took as we were hiking around. Such a wonderful night.And for your internet shares of the day:+ Sixteen Candles was one of my favorite movies growing up, but this article is spot on and it stunned me.+ I finished this book in two days and it's the best non-fiction I've read in a very long time.+ Hey moms! Are you in the photos with your kids? This is not a plug to hire me (or maybe it is....)