Look at that delicious paper! For the last few years, I've been making albums for my own family full of our photos from the weekly updates and also from our vacations. There is something so wonderful about having these albums to hold in my hands and page through. And while I love this digital version of my archives, the paper version is just so ... beautiful.So I decided to offer them to my clients!I cannot tell you how many times I have moms (or sometimes dads) say that they keep meaning to pull together albums from my shoots with the family, but life gets in the way and it just never gets done. I totally get that -- some of my albums have taken me 4-6 hours to build. Choosing the right photos takes time! And finding a day with that big of a chunk of time open is harder and harder with a small child in the house.These are some of the sample albums I put together to show how gorgeous the books are. I love the thickness of the paper, the stunning linen on the cover, and I especially love how the photos work so great as they are presented over "the fold" of the book.
And I have a bunch of internet shares for you today!Like, how about buying a new car that has a rice cooker included?This letter from Tim Cook was fascinating to me. I had no idea the government was asking Apple for such technology.I would love to see the history of all sorts of nations presented like this! I learned so much about Japan!Lastly, I learned about a ton of new apps through this blog piece. I can't wait to try Thumbtack and Think Dirty!