all thawed out


This week the ice on the lakes finally melted away. Since we had the "winter that never was" this year, I was curious to see if it was sooner than usual. Good thing I document this event every year, eh?Anyway, last year the ice was gone on April 12, and in 2010 it melted away on March 31. So yup, we're a few weeks early.This year I know *exactly* when it melted (3/18) because Jamie and I were driving home from the airport Sunday morning and we noticed there was still ice in the middle of Lake Calhoun and there was a Christmas tree resting on top of it. As we went to fetch the dogs from the kennel that afternoon, all the ice had disappeared along with the tree.Am I boring you? Sorry, when you have such weather extremities as we do here, keeping track is a bit of a sport. Tomorrow will be more fun I promise -- I'm shooting another show! Yes! Some call it a sickness! I call it fun.